SIL FieldWorks Technical Support There are a number of ways to get help with this product. * Use the Help that is available within each of the programs in the FieldWorks suite. * On the Help menu, point to Training, and then click Student Manual. * Read the Known and Potential Issues in the ReadMe.rtf files or on the web at * Ask other people who are working with this product for help and useful tips. For Language Explorer, read and participate in user discussions via the Google Group SIL FieldWorks is distributed as freeware. As such, no warranty or support is provided and you use it at your own risk. Because it is under active development, we welcome bug reports, which you can send to However, when you submit a bug report, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a reply or that the bug will be fixed. If you are part of a community of FieldWorks users, we encourage you to use your contacts within that community to obtain support and training.